About a month ago, my Mom was in town and she was helping me prepare pizza dough for Riley's birthday. She asked me where my rolling pin was and I went to the cabinet where it should have resided. Long story short, the said cooking utensil ended up MIA for about 4 weeks-my expensive Food Network rolling pin, endorsed by Paula Dean and Bobby Flay, that we received as a wedding gift. It showed up behind my couch yesterday-one guess how it got there!
Needless to say, that story inspired me to create this list.
You know you live with a 2 year old when...
1. rolling pin. couch. end of story.
2. You find random sippy cup at the bottom of the toy box, full of what was once milk, now cottage cheese.
3. There is a candy jar sitting on the back of your toilet-for potty training duh!
4. You can't walk 6 inches without stepping on hot wheels. Or legos. Or tractors.
5. You have tiny fingerprints all over the doors, windows, stove, mirrors. Basically any reflective surface in the house.
6. When other children (who do not belong to you) misbehave, you feel the STRONG urge to yell "Momma said NO!"
7. Toys manage to find a way into your bedroom...I'm pretty sure they walk in there of their own accord at night.
8. In my expensive Coach purse, you'll always find the following: baby wipes, hot wheels, crayons, teddy grahams, some elmo toys, hand sanitizer, baby tylenol, baby motrin and an elmo notebook. I feel like I'm break some unwritten law by carrying all of these stain magnets in a Coach purse.
9. The sink is always full of sippy cups, Take and Toss dishes and snack traps, half of which have been chewed on by my garbage disposal at some point.
10. You have diapers and wipes stashed around the house on the off chance that said offspring will need a change and you'll only have a microsecond to hold him down (in the middle of play/exploring) before he protests strongly enough to make the neighbors think you may be beating/scalding him.
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