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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Riley's 3rd Birthday-Construction Themed

On May 19, 2012 we celebrated Riley's 3rd birthday. Thanks to all the local construction that's been going on in our town (much right outside our own front door) Riley had developed an obsession with all things digger. So naturally when it came time to plan his party, the construction theme was a first choice! 

I handmade all the invitations using a Cricut and die-cuts from the Dollar Tree!

The inside of the invitations say:
Can you dig it? Riley is turning 3!
Clock in on May 19, 2012 at 1pm.
Job Site: (our address)
RSVP to: (Our phone number)

Juice bottles for Riley and his cousins

I made a vanilla cake that I dyed orange. I went a little overboard with the red food coloring and had to over compensate with the yellow. Thus the fluorescent orange!

More bags from the dollar store! (Imagine my joy at finding a dump truck bag for $1!!)

The silverware and napkins

The wreath for our front door-made entirely from things I already had around the house (extension cord, caution tape, cardboard and scrapbook paper)

The day of his party was sunny and 87 May!
I used a color scheme of orange, yellow and black, with hints of dark green thrown in to break it up)

His sign welcoming guests
(It was so hot that the balloons started popping and the letters were peeling off the poster board)

Table decorations: orange tablecloth, construction tape, die-cuts and good old vehicles from Riley's toy box. (He wasn't very happy about having to surrender those for the party!)

The orange buckets are holding the silverware. Yellow and black utensils (again, dollar store) in digger napkins (found on clearance at the Party Store!) and stuck through a paint chip from Lowe's (free!)

Riley's 3 year old interview (upcoming post) with a birthday cake made from his own hand print. The paper on the right is a sheet for guests to sign for his scrapbook.

The Digger cake!

I iced it with chocolate icing (dirt) then cut a chunk out and used chocolate rocks to fill in the space. (From Wal-Mart!)

More of his stash from his toy box

The Birthday Boy and his new big boy bike! He wore a digger shirt that I found on clearance at JC Penny's last summer. His brother also wore a shirt that said "I dig my Dad" with a digger on it-again, found on clearance!)

The Menu:
"Build your own" deli sandwiches
Pasta salad made from wheel pasta
chips and snacks
fruit pizza
reuben casserole
stuffed mushrooms/jalapenoes
Pop/water/juice for kiddos

In all, I spent around $150.00 on this party ($85 of which was food) (not counting presents). The majority of stuff came either from my own house or the Dollar Tree. Splurges were the Chocolate rocks-$4 total, Caution tape-$5 and the Bob The Builder juice bottles-$6.

Look how far you've come! I love you Monkey!


  1. I'd love to hear about what the 3rd birthday interview was all son's 3rd birthday is coming in October, and we are doing a construction theme, too!

    1. I'll type up a post of his interview this afternoon! Thanks for reading!
