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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Birthday Interview Questions

I've gotten tons of requests to post what the Birthday Interview looked like for my son's 3rd birthday. So, instead of answering each email/post separately, I'll just toss it on here for everyone to view! Happy reading!

1. My favorite color is:
2. My favorite toy is:
3. My favorite fruit is:
4. My favorite TV show is:
5. My favorite thing to eat for lunch is:
6. My favorite outfit to wear is:
7. My favorite game is:
8. My favorite snack is:
9. My favorite animal is:
10. My favorite song is:
11. My favorite book is:
12. My best friends are:
13. My favorite cereal is:
14. My favorite thing to do outside is:
15. My favorite drink is:
16. My favorite holiday is:
17. I sleep with:
18. My favorite breakfast is:
19. I want to eat ______________ on my birthday.
20. When I grow up, I want to be:

I took several variations of the birthday interview and picked and chose which ones I liked the best for Riley's interview. Feel free to change it up to suit your own child's likes! (I didn't realize how many questions revolved around food...what can I say, my boy likes to eat. That's why he's in the 99th percentile on the growth charts!) LOL

I printed it up on Word and then trimmed it to fit on a piece of construction paper, which I then added to a piece of scrapbook paper. I painted his hand as well as 3 fingers so it looked like a cake with 3 candles. I was able to toss the whole thing straight into his scrapbook-voila! Instant page!