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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baby's first hospital stay-January 27, 2012

Well, Sawyer had his first health scare this past week. He ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. :(

On Thursday night, he spiked a high fever (102.7 to be exact) and I debated running him to the ER that night. I was home alone with the boys and Riley was already in bed, so I gave him some tylenol and put him to bed. By Friday, his temp had come down a little, but he was coughing pretty badly. I went to work and tried to get him into the pediatrician. Of course they closed before I got off work! So I headed to Urgent Care. The nurses took his temp there and it was 101.6 and rising. They also placed him on oxygen because His saturation was in the high 70-low 80 percentile. Ideally it should have been in the mid to high nineties! I never even saw a doctor at Urgent Care, the nurses sent me straight to the ER. They wanted to transport him by ambulance, but I had Riley with me and they wouldn't transport him. When we arrived at the hospital, they took him right back and put him back on oxygen. The pediatric specialist said she thought it was pneumonia, but wanted to test him for RSV and some other things as well as get a chest x-ray.

He got his x-rays which showed he had pneumonia in his right lung. After that, they placed an IV to start him on fluids and antibiotics right away. If you've never seen an infant get an IV, it's a horrible experience. Because he was just 2 1/2 months old and his veins were so tiny, they turned off the lights and used a light to shine through his skin so they could find a good vein. Unfortunately, after having me hold him down for 10 minutes and trying to place the IV, they couldn't find his vein. He ended up bleeding all over the bed and they brought in another nurse to try and place it. It took another 5 minutes of him screaming and me holding him down before they got it in. Like I said, horrible...

Isn't that the saddest thing you've ever seen?

After the IV was placed, he was moved from the ER up to the pediatric wing. They gave him a tiny hospital gown and got us settled in for a long night.

The antibiotics started working pretty quickly. By the next morning he had regained some of his color and was in a better mood. He had lost his voice during the night so he had the most pathetic just broke your heart to hear it. They closed the pediatric ward for the weekend due to low population, so he was then moved to the adult ICU for the rest of the weekend. 

Doesn't he look cute in his hospital gown? He'd been on the antibiotic for 24 hours here and was starting to feel a little better. He was even able to flirt with the nurses a bit!

When we were finally able to bring him home, he still had to be on an antibiotic and was out of daycare for a while to give his immune system a chance to build back up again. He's just now starting to regain his appetite now, more than a week later. He lost a pound while he was in the hospital too. 

A week later, he has regained his voice and his appetite is picking up. He wants to eat every 2 hours again, making up for the lost calories! His trip made the last week in January a crappy one...we were more than ready for February to arrive!

Homemade Laundry Supplies Experiment

As usual, in my quest to find ways to cut corners (ie; expenses) I've been researching ways to save when it comes to our laundry supplies. I've been reading about several different recipes and Pinterest once again came through for me and provided me with an entire page dedicated to DIY cleaning supplies.

Currently I'm using Purex Baby detergent. With Sawyer still under a year old and my own sensitivity to scents, it's a perfect detergent for us. Plus it averages $2.94 a bottle for a 32 load bottle. Imagine my dismay when we went grocery shopping on Friday and I was unable to find it at our local Meijer! (I REFUSE to buy Dreft...there's no way I'm paying over $15 for laundry detergent!) They seem to have replaced it with a Meijer brand "all natural" dtergent. And the price was raised to over $5.00 a bottle.  Now seems like the perfect time to make some changes in my laundry routine!

The first recipe I'll be trying is for DIY fabric softener. I'm starting with this one because I happen to have all the ingredients on hand already and I still have some questions I want to ask about the homemade detergent. The recipe follows:

Homemade Fabric Softener

6 c. water
3 c. white vinegar
2 c. suave hair conditioner (one blog I read suggested using whatever conditioner you had on hand, I actually do have suave)

-Warm vinegar and conditioner in the microwave
-Mix in water
-stir to combine (don not shake--too foamy!)
-Put in squirt bottle
-Spritz on old washcloth and toss in dryer with a load!

That's it! So simple! The blog where I found this recipe said she'd been using this batch for 8-10 months and she still had a ton left over! Think of the savings! I think I will cut the recipe in half to start...I'm running low on vinegar.

The next recipe is one I've already started using and simply put, it is AH-MA-ZING! I have hard water and it tends to leave those white rings in the bathroom sink. I also hate using harsh cleansers in the bathtub where I bathe the boys. I always worry about their sensitive skin. It's listed as a bathroom cleaner, but I've also used in my kitchen with great success!

DIY  Bathroom Cleaner

12 oz. Dawn dish detergent
12 oz. white vinegar

-warm the vinegar in the microwave
-combine with Dawn
-put in squirt bottle!

(A few tips--a little bit goes a LONG way. It gets soapy if you use too much! Every blog I read about this recipe stated using Dawn. I don't know if any other dish soap will work or not)
Like I said, this stuff really floats my boat! I have a white porcelin kitchen sink that tends to stain on the side that has the garbage disposal. Often times it took massive amounts of scrubbing to get the stains out. I sprayed this stuff on, let it sit for 15 minutes while I fed the baby, and ta-da! No stains! Call me crazy, but it also seems to be resisting new stains in that sink...but I might just be crazy. :o) I also used it to clean my fridge  shelves and it took out all the nasty gunk that had built up. The vinegar also helped deodorize the fridge. Spic and Span!

I have recipes for homemade laundry detergent and oxi-clean as well, but still want to do a little research before I make them. Plus, I need a shopping trip to pick up some supplies. I'm looking forward to seeing how much I can save making my own supplies!