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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Today is Monkey's Birthday! 2 years ago at 12:17pm, R entered the world screaming. All 9 pounds, 9 ounces of love and joy! I'm so proud of all he's learned and accomplished already. 

Elmo was a hit!

Saturday was R's party and it went off with only a small hitch, one that I had no control over-the weather. Last year for his 1st birthday, we were able to have it outside, preventing an overcrowding of guests in my house. After watching the weather diligently for a week and a half, it looked as though the weather wasn't going to pull through for me again this year. I moved the time back a bit, hoping that it would warm up a bit and the rain would hold off. Of course, the rain held off until exactly an hour before his party was scheduled to begin! So we moved everything inside and still had a pleasant time.
His cupcake tower

Fishbowls all filled!

The fruit Elmo (I wish I knew how to rotate pictures!!)

The paper lanterns

Happy Birthday Monkey! Blow!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Elmopalooza 2.0

Finished up some work on R's party yesterday after a much needed/mildly expensive trip to Hobby Lobby. (That store is seriously like my own personal crack) Here's what I've been up to!

I took fishbowl vases that I found at the dollar store and glued rickrack around the top to give then some extra "Omph"

I also found some "Happy Birthday" ribbon for one vase

I'll use them for holding treats. Two will be for Goldfish crackers, one for Elmo crackers, and one for the chocolate pretzel rods.

I was super excited when I found these Elmo crackers at the grocery store!

My sister, Alyse also lucked out one day and found a ton of Elmo stuff at Acme, which is a store we don't have in our neck of the woods. What can I say, his Auntie Lysee spoils him rotten! Here's a small sampling:

I store bought "2" toothpicks for the tops of the cupcakes, but I discovered that I have Elmo stickers that fit over top of the number 2 perfectly. I may cover one side of the pick with a sticker to keep it within the theme.

We are 2 weeks and counting until the big day! I've still got some tricks up my sleeve and I'm PRAYING that it doesn't rain because I'd really like to hold his party outside. My house just isn't big enough for everyone! Now that I've finished up the fun stuff, I should really start the not-so-fun cleaning part...which would involve me getting off Facebook and stopping blogging. <sigh>